Sunday, May 31, 2009

My May result

My block is the Ohio star. Anyone else out there get this one too?


Friday, May 1, 2009

May Block of the Month

This months block will be totally up to you. That's right! A challenge within a challenge. Here's a hint to go on though.....Where are you from?

Ok, so this months block will be a state block. The state where you live. This way, your block-of-the-month quilt will be totally original. Unless, of course, you live in the same state as me or another friend you are doing this with. ;)

There are many websites you can search through. I just typed in "state quilt blocks" in my search bar and found a few to look over. Here's a couple to get you started:

Make sure when you find a block you've settled on, it will measure 12" finished. It would work out much better if they all match in size. ;) Now after searching the web, and you still can't find one that you like, make it personal. But most of all, have fun with it! It's YOUR art!
